Monday, September 15, 2008

DR Powerwagon, A Review

Have you ever had one of those moments when you smack yourself on the forehead and wonder why you hadn't thought of that before? I have those moments constantly. This is another one, of the many.

I was using my DR Powerwagon the other day to haul some feed, and I was thinking about what a life saver this thing has been. I have owned it for about five years now and can't remember what life was like before it.

Wait a minute, yes I can. I can remember hauling the winter supply of firewood from the woods by the armload. I can remember carrying feed from the van to the barn on my shoulder, one 50 lb. bag at a time. I can remember using a 8 cubic foot garden cart to haul dirt for our raised bed gardens. I can also remember carrying hay to the barn, one bale at a time. Talk about back breaking!

I always told myself (somewhat of an athelete in my youth) that it was great exercise. I hadn't realized what I was doing to my back the whole time.

Then, one day, my brother-in-law called and said he saw an add for a "like new" DR Powerwagon. We went to look at it and the rest is history.

Men, I know what you're thinking, "just another gas hoggin' piece of machinery!" Not so! As I have said, we don't own any power equipment, other than this. We believe in tractor less (thus more profitable) farming. But one of these babies is the ticket to a life without broken backs!

No, this isn't an info-mercial, and no, I am not getting paid for this. I simply wanted to offer this product review for those homesteaders, like us, who can't afford a whole lot of machinery. If you can swing it, take a look at these at This may be one of the only pieces of machinery you will ever need.

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