Thursday, September 4, 2008

I took a walk in the woods near our house to see what kind of deer activity there might be. We recently got 3.75 inches of rain and I think it washed away some mineral I had put out for them, so I am discouraged at the lack of activity. However, while I was in the woods, I came across these bright little mushrooms. The color caught my eye and I had to pick them and identify them. I think I got the red one identified, it is a "Slippery Jack", which is actually edible. That is, if the slime is removed first. The yellow one is a different story. I can't find anything about it. Can someone out there help me identify it?
One of the beauties of homeschooling is this kind of "incedental" learning. Now the kids and I have a little knowledge about a new mushroom, but as we were looking it up, we read about many others. Learning is fun with the kids, it makes me a big kid too.
So, let me know if you know what the yellow mushroom is. Give a little detail about it too. Thanks for your help.

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