Wednesday, September 17, 2008

U.S. Cow Herd Continues To Decline

I was browsing Alan Nation's blog at the Stockman Grassfarmer web site and found an interesting little article. Apparently, Cattle-Fax is estimating a continued decline in the U.S.A. cow herd size. The estimate places the decline to 32.1 million head, which is the lowest it has been since 1963. Cow herd declines are taking place all over the world as pressure continues to rise on land to be used for the production of bio-fuel. Thus, higher oil prices means the continued higher, and rising, price of beef. It will help the farmer but hurt the consumer at the grocery store, in my opinion. You can go here to read more:

1 comment:

Omelay said...

i think that the price of meat should be higher. i posted about it here. it is a copy of an article states my view better than i could have said it.