Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Over at the Stockman Grassfarmer website on Alan Nations blog, I found a little tidbit that was right up my alley. As you may, or may not know, I not only homestead, but I keep a day job as a produce manager at our local grocery store. A couple of weeks ago, I wrote on here about the new COOL legislation found in the new 2008 Farm Bill . It was rather timely that Mr. Nation should voice a comment on that very subject. My superiors informed all of us produce guys in our small chain of stores, to start labeling. So, being the good employee, I went ahead and did just that. I'll spare you the details, but suffice to say that it took some extra work and a lot of extra time in a normally busy day. I even have to keep paper records in a file system for an entire year. I was told that the USDuh will be around to check, as they are not only the rule making body in this fiasco, but the policing force behind it. So, after a lot of time and extra work, I have complied. Then I read this, " Inserted into the bill at the last minute was a six month grace period during which the labeling laws will not be enforced." Says Alan Nation.

UGH! I will also spare what my thoughts are on this subject and encourage you to click the link above and read my thoughts there. I will say this, I must concur with Mr. Nation when he said, "What a joke! Once again Congress earns its dismal approval rating. " This, after he went to the grocery store to find no labeling. The deadline was to have been September 30, 2008.

To read Alan Nation's thought, in their entirety, click here . Enjoy the read, and feel free to chime in on the 2008 Farm Bill and the new COOL (Country Of Origin Labeling) by leaving your comments here. I want to know what you all think. Maybe, just maybe, it all has something to do with NAFTA, CAFTA and the currently debated Colombian Free Trade Agreement. Maybe, instead of importing all of our food, we ought to try eating what is grown here? Then again, Bill Clinton once said that Americans should not be farmers, we should leave that to third world countries. All part of the one world system, eh?

The rant is over, thanks.

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