Sunday, October 26, 2008

Should We, As Christians, Zero In On The Abortion Issue Alone This Election?

Here is an interesting article written by a man named G.C. Dilsaver. Now, I have to admit, I don't know the man nor have I ever heard of him before. But he makes an interesting case for this upcoming election that, perhaps, all Christians should consider. It is a point of view that I have long held to, and that is, simply, that abortion-the subject that so many of us focus on every election-will remain. Legal or illegal, it will go on. If we truly wish to see it end (as most Christians do, and should) we need to adopt the missionary posture. In other words, preach the gospel to the abortion doctors and women seeking an abortion. A true heart conviction is the only thing that will prevent them.

But a greater issue addressed is the fact that this country has fallen into moral decadence. This includes most Christians. We have stepped out from under God's umbrella of authority. Until we regain our place in His care, moral decadence shall prosper.

However, there is a bigger political picture here. What if both parties are really working together? What if they have the same end in mind, just different methods of achieving the same goal? What if the Republicans (neo-cons) want us to focus on abortion, so tightly in fact, that they are able to strip away other liberties, without our ever noticing? Think that's far fetched? Read the article and learn that governments in the past have done that very thing. It happened to us, in fact, recently. President Bush has done well when it comes to outlawing stem cell research and partial birth abortion. It got the Christian community so excited, in fact, that we totally missed the ball when Mr. Bush pushed his Patriot act into being. The very act that did just what we are talking about, stripped even more liberties from us. We now live in a country that says it is OK for it's government to spy on its people. They no longer listen to the will of the people.

I, for one, can no longer vote for either party. For too long I have been duped into thinking that I was voting for the "lesser of two evils". In reality, I was voting for the same thing. Neither party is different from the other and they work for the same goals, more money and more power. This time around, I will vote for another party. One that actually cares about the Constitution and the law and liberty it provides. One that is going to work toward smaller government, a government that abides by the law. I may vote for the Constitution Party candidate, Chuck Baldwin. Or I may write in Dr. Ron Paul, whom I liked very much. But, no sir, will I vote for the repubicrats. Read the article here and, please, what ever you decide, put some thought into it.

When we pray for our country, pray that our leaders get saved. We seem to expect non Christians to act like Christians.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing that essay by GC Dilsaver! The sentiments of my heart put into a coherent article. By the way, it says he is a psychologist who helps people find "efficacious alternatives to medication and mainstream psychology." Sounds right up our alley. His website was linked too: