Tuesday, March 1, 2011

67% Say Stay Out Of Mid East Crisis

I must say that I agree with this Rasmussen poll and 67% of Amreicans that we should stay out of the affairs of the troubled middle east.  Years ago, George Washington warned about the dangers of medling in the affairs of other countries.  Yet, we have been medling for so long that I wonder if it is possible to stop now.  Remember that our oil, which we so heavily depend on, comes from there.  "They" won't allow us to drill here, so nothing short of our own revolution will change that.  What a tangled web we weave....


Adkins Family farm said...

I agree with Mr. Washington. Keep you nose in your own business and you'll have a good one. No good can come from meddling.

Anonymous said...

What about taking care of the poor and needy, as Jesus also commanded and said TRUE RELIGION IS THIS? Defending the rights of other human beings who are not so fortunate to live in a country who has programs that care for the oppressed? I disagree that God would rather us take care of "number one" and not as a country stand up for the oppressed humans among the earth. The middle east is in need as are many areas of the world, and we should all be doing our part as individuals, churches, and yes, governments, to care for our neighbors near and far. Ruining His creation by drilling for oil, both on American soil and elsewhere, is not the answer - depending less on oil and the use of ancient energy to run our industrialized nation is a better way and the ONLY sustainable way to create a future for our species on this planet.

Scott or Pam said...

Point is taken. I do find it interesting that you seem to know about helping others, yet forget that God gave this world to mankind to USE. YOu can't mix liberal ideology with christianity, it doesn't work. Another UNBIBLICAL thing you stated was calling man a "species". We are not animals. God created man, He didn't "evolve" them from another creature. C'mon, if your going to debate christianity, you might try to know a bit more about the subject. The middle east may be in need, but I can't afford to help them, period, and that is the point-STAY OUT OF OTHER COUNTRIES AFFAIRS.