Sunday, August 31, 2008

Pearls of Wisdom

We receive the No Greater Joy news letter in the mail bimonthly, and enjoy the read very much. This month's issue struck me especially in a way that I had to put down some thoughts.

For those of you who are wondering what in the world is "No Greater Joy", it is a ministry rooted in child training and Christian development, and has blossomed and been blessed to grow into many other things. All for the purpose of furthering the Gospel message. The founders are Mike and Debi Pearl. My wife and I have been learning from the Pearl's for several years now, and, as I stated, enjoy reading their newsletter very much.

The Pearl's wrote an article this month entitled "Cloistered Homeshcooled Syndrome." This is, I must confess, a term that the Pearls have coined.

Mr. Pearl begins the article by telling of a wonderful family they got to know, named the Folgers', who were home on furlough from the mission field. Mike Pearl admits that he was extremely impressed with this family and enjoyed their company very much. The story of the time the two families spent together is to contrast the other side, the one in which many christian homes face today.

Just because we are Christians and happen to homeschool our children, does not negate the possibility the one or more of our children could be lost to the world. This happens to be one of my greatest fears, as a father, that I would lose one of my daughters to the world. So, when I read things of this nature, I do take a keen interest.

The article goes on to describe the "other side", if you will. Mike Pearl defines Cloistered Homeschooled Syndrome as the "failure of the parents to understand, appreciate, and respect the individuality of their adult children."

I have known, and do know, families like this. The identities of their children are sacrificed in order to serve their own emotional needs. Some would rather have complete obedience, at all costs, rather than develop their youth into the future adults they will become. "Adult children that want to launch out on their own are told that they are rebellious and disloyal..." says Mike Pearl.

The article states that "medieval hierarchy" is taught as biblical truth. Men, let me take a stand here. I will not accept that God wanted for us to lord over our women and demand complete submission, without question, when He said that "man is the head of the woman". In fact, if you look at other scriptures, you will find that Christ admonishes us to "love our wives" as He has loved his church. How did Christ love his church? He gave Himself for it. Men, this is what we are called to do, give yourself for your family. There is no divine right, when it comes to family. God placed man at the head, yes, but like Christ, in His example, when He washed the feet of His disciples, we need to lead by serving.

Too often, children will go astray because, as they reach adulthood, they are stifled by the patriarchal poppa and not allowed to find themselves. This may sound psychobabbly to you, but think about it. God gave us personalities for a reason. How would you know your son was to be a leader, unless you taught him to lead. Think about that.

My prayer is that God has godly men chosen for my girls. That they will not be stifled so much that they miss them. I want to protect them from the evils of the world, indeed. We don't have TV, no public schools etc.. But that God will direct in all things.

To read more from the Pearls, you can visit their website at or I have a link found at the right. Once there, you may subscribe to their bi-monthly newsletter, and receive it free of charge. Inside you will see all kinds of other things involving their ministry, check it out.

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