Saturday, September 6, 2008

A Day on the Farm

It was a big day on the farm today. It would seem that everything gets put off until Saturday. I need to quit that. With a full time job, I don't seem to find the energy during the week to do all those odd jobs that need to be done.

First thing this morning, I had to meet a customer for a Fertrell order. Actually, it was my brother-in-law, but a customer none the less. Right after that, I had breakfast and then dug in to the task of cleaning the chicken coop. Our layers free range all day and go in at night, but while they are in there they make a huge mess. This was a job that had been put off far too long, and it took a bit longer to do because of it. The best part about it is that the pasture gets a treat. I fill up the power wagon with the manure and shavings and haul it out to pasture and spread it around with a shovel. This provides a good shot of N and provides a dose of Carbon from the shavings. I have done this for a few years now and I can see a little difference in parts of the pastures that got the most.

After the chicken coop, I got out the weed whacker and started cutting down the weeds in one paddock. This paddock is especially thick with weeds and around half an acre. Man, did I go through the string! I got them all knocked down and believe that this will add some organic matter to the soil when the weeds decompose. Not only that, it will allow some sun light to penetrate to the grass that is underneath. I thought I was going to have a serious allergy and asthma attack by the time I got done, but I took some stuff (?) and felt better after a while. (I also got a good nap in.)

After all that I began the new chicken tractor. We suddenly have lots of customers and had to order more broilers. I needed to add another tractor, but planned on doing that next spring. I have it started now with all the pvc pieces cut. It will be just a matter of putting it all together now. We are very grateful to God for providing us with more customers and a chance to help our community. We look forward to serving all those who have entrusted us to provide them with food fit to eat.

Thanks for stopping by and reading. I enjoy it very much and appreciate you all. Thanks.

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