Monday, September 8, 2008

Irradiation is NOT Harmless - Maybe That's Why Codex and Pharma Phriendly FDA and USDA Love It!

In light of a supposed "epidemic" of E. coli poisoning "caused" by fecal contamination of lettuce and spinach, which just happened to be organic (or at least "industrial organic"), the FDA has done it again! Instead of enforcing better food handling procedures or cleaning up the growers' end of the food system, both of which would cost industry money, they have taken the least rational, most consumer-harmful, corporate-friendly road possible: ALL, that's right, ALL greens like salad greens and spinach must be irradiated before you can buy them.
Is that OK? It certainly is if your intent is to assure decreased nutrition and increased toxicity across the entire country by contaminating and damaging a principle source of vitamins, minerals and nutrients.
In short, if you are trying to weaponize food, it's great. If, on the other hand, you are interested in health, nutrition, longevity and a sustainable environment, it is a disaster. Click here ( to read more and find out how you can protect yourself and your family from weaponized salad.

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