Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The Rotten Egg?

For those of you out there who may not have formed an opinion on the proposed $700 billion bailout, I found a very concise article of opinion written by my favorite grass farmer, Alan Nation. I think he speaks for many of us "little folks" out here and I agree with him. I encourage you to click here to read his short, but direct article. The title of his article is very fitting, "Wall Street Lays An Egg, Again". Mr. Nation opines, "apparently, Wall Street likes capitalism on the way up, and socialism on the way down", how true. And to answer his question at the end of the article "do we want Wall Street to take its medicine now, or later", I say now. The fed has been propping this thing up for decades and the longer it is propped up, the more it is going to hurt. In fact, this thing is really going to sting. "Sting" may not be strong enough. I think we may very well see a depression the like of which this country has not seen before, and that includes the "Great Depression". In the words of Ron Paul, "they want to fight this debt problem with more debt". How much sense does that make?

Go and read Mr. Nations little article, then sound off and let me know what you think.

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