Thursday, September 25, 2008

Arnold Schwartzenfrogger or Froggenstein!

This is a picture of a GINORMOUS Southern Leopard frog. This guy was huge. I say "was" because my benevolent daughter gave him to our pastor's daughter to propagate the diminishing leopard frog population in Arkansas. Abbie found this dude on the side of our driveway. It is funny, I actually was in the pasture next to the driveway, shortly before she caught him, when I caught something, out of the corner of my eye, rather large jump into the tall grass. I think it may have been him.

The girls dubbed him "Goliath", which is absolutely fitting. I, however, thought "Arnold Schwartzenfrogger" was a more suitable name. Either way, this is, by far, the largest frog we have found in our neck of the woods. What was the most memorable critter y'all, or your kids, have found on your homestead? Let us know, we all love critter stories!

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