As I mentioned in an earlier post, we celebrate the Advent season with daily devotions for three and a half weeks, until Christmas (Yes, it is OK to say Christmas). During this time the girls get to choose form wrapped story books, with a biblical message, to unwrap for one of us to read to them.
Over the course of time, my wife and I have developed a few favorites that we have come to enjoy very much. Some of them make us shed a tear. The one I am going to share with you is no exception. This book has become a huge favorite of ours. My wife and I cry, just a little, every time we read it. Which happens to be once a year.
The book is entitled: The Christmas Miracle of Jonathan Toomey. Written by Susan Wojciechowski and illustrated by P.J. Lynch. Here is what the inside jacket cover says, "Jonathan Toomey is the best woodcarver in the valley. He keeps to himself, though, and never smiles or laughs.... A quiet request leads to a joyful miracle, as a widow and her son gently warm the heart of Jonathan Toomey."
This book has a strong Christian message. One of hope and forgiveness. Two qualities that Christ, Himself, gave to all mankind.
As homeschoolers, we look for books that will re-enforce character qualities we teach. We look for wholesome litterature for our children to bite into, stories that create a sense of "being there". This book fits the bill. It is a story that will warm the heart, also (yes, a man is writting this).
I strongly recomend this book as I am sure it will be a classic, if it isn't already, and a great addition to a homeschool, Christian library. You need to know that we are very picky about the books we keep. Anyone can write a book and suddenly become an expert, or twist scripture and make it sound good enough. So, when I say that a book is worth owning, I'm saying a lot.
You can purchase this book through Amazon by clicking the link to the right, if you wish. Or, you might find it at a good Christian bookstore or outlet. Either way, you will like this book.

1 comment:
You might also check out the DVD of the film version with Tom Berenger.
It's on amazon.
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