Sunday, March 22, 2009

Iron Binding Proteins In Raw Milk

Our oldest daughter got sick, early, this morning and I had to stay home from church with her. Thus, I had a little time to do some reading on raw milk and thought I would share it today. Normally, Sunday posts are reserved for the very fast post as it is a family day. But, since Abbie is resting, I have some time on my hands.

Here are some interesting tid-bits that cement the idea of raw milk being a major player of America's health until after WWII. As stated, for centuries before the war, milk was used as medicine that relieved, and cured, many ailments. Even today, the properties in raw, grass fed milk, help people overcome many allergies (raw honey does the same). Asthma sufferers can find relief in raw milk, as well. For some reason, I am having difficulty recalling that specific information, I will have to get back with you on that one.

Current research on fragments of protein hidden in what are called "casein" molecules is finding that they exhibit anti-microbial activity.

Lactoferrin, which is an iron binding protein, has numerous properties. Just as this implies, lactoferrin causes improved absorption of iron (hear that ladies?), and anti-cancer properties and anti microbial action. This anti microbial action works against many bacteria that cause tooth decay and cavities. More recent studies have shown that it may have powerful anti-viral properties, as well.

There are two others, in raw milk's arsenal of protein/enzyme combination. These are, Lysozyme and Lactoperoxidase.

Lysozyme can break down cell walls of some undesirable bacteria. Lactoperoxidase teams up with other substances to knock off unwanted microbes.

Food for thought (forgive the pun). I will keep reading. Until next time....

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