Thursday, December 16, 2010

Do Gun Control Laws Really Make For A Safer Environment?

I found this to be very interesting.  It just proves that tough gun conrtol laws are not the answer the yuppies were looking for.  The city of Chicago has the toughest gun control laws in the nation, yet more police officers are killed by gunfire in Chicago than any other city in the USA.  Now, where do the bad guys get their guns from?  Would it be this bad if good guys had guns?  Read the linked article.


Gorges Smythe said...

The facts have been available for years, the liberals just don't want to be bothered by them, so continue to ignore them.

Scott or Pam said...

Sad, isn't it?

Deborah Ann said...

Very thought provoking post...

Have a blessed CHRISTmas!

Scott or Pam said...

Thanks Deborah Ann. A very merry CHRISTmas to you as well. Make HIM the center of your holiday.