Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Of Chicks And Cukes

This isn't the greatest picture in the world, I know, but these are the second half our our last batch of broilers for the season. Praise God, they are all sold. You will notice that there are some Rhode Island Reds mixed in with them, we needed to add to our layer flock as the chicks we got this past spring were mostly roosters. We have dubbed them the Narcoleptic chicks. When young, chicks are very funny to watch. They will walk around, very active, and drop over in sleep as if they were put into a sudden trance. It is hilarious! Have you ever noticed that?

I have some new cucumbers to show you. These are called Thai Cucumbers. We haven't tried them yet, so I can't say how they taste, but I am sure they will be wonderful. You can see the Lemon Cuke in the middle to give you an idea of the general size of the Thai Cukes. If any of you have any experience with these little fellas, let us know.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, I have noticed the trance thing! It is so funny! However, the first time I saw it, I panicked, because I thought it was dying. Suddenly stopping and falling into the shavings, beak first, didn't seem quite kosher to me, at the time. But, now it is entertainment.
Nice cukes. I have never tried those kind before...