Sunday, August 2, 2009

Count Your Blessings

With so many very dumb things coming out of the federal government these days, it is hard to stay positive. Sometimes you just want to throw up your arms and yell, what are you people thinking?

With battles being waged on so many fronts it is difficult to remain on top of them all. In times like this, I am reminded to count my blessings.

One of those blessings is the fact that we have been receiving much needed rain. This has allowed me back into my pasture rotation that I thought I would have to abandon during the dry summer months. As it turns out, I only had to back off from the rotation for the week we were on vacation. The grass has recovered enough that I can fore go the hay, for a time. That is good news. We have to buy all of our hay as the hay around us has been taken.

This gives me comfort. However, our fine government is forcing the NAIS through the back door, with little awareness, and that causes angst. More on that later, as I get full details.

On another positive note, we will be placing our order for the fall crop of broiler chickens soon. We have received enough orders to fill our chicken tractors and our own freezer. We have found that these birds really sell themselves. People just love real food, and it is a blessing to do a small part to provide some to them.

One thing we are working toward getting a handle on is our rabbit program. We have stuck to it as it is a holon enterprise and has the potential of providing another salary. We, quite frankly, have been terrible with the rabbits. We have struggled to have a plan and breeding program in place that would be labor effective. We are working on this but time has become a scarce commodity these days.

Once we get that going the way we want it, we can then concentrate on getting good at it. The side benefit is that our family loves the meat. So, even if we don't sell a whole bunch, we can put them into our own freezer.

If anyone has ideas of suggestions on rabbits, or anything else, let me know by leaving a comment. I love to hear from you. Thanks for stopping by.

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